The course covers many of the subjects of a week long Executive Education program, but without the travel. The students will explore several aspects of NFP management and governance, some of which will be unfamiliar. Apply using the “Not For Profit Application” link to the left.

The case discussion process is to practice coping with new, often unfamiliar and ill defined situations.
In a sense, it is a broadening of one’s experience in a very short time.
The following are possible subject areas for the cases:

Financial Reporting and Control: Accounting is the primary channel for communicating the economics of any for profit or not for profit business. We will cover basic financial
statements and some of the differences between not for profit and for profit reporting.

Mission and Strategy: Funds providers and customers can request changes in the organization mission. Sometimes the change is appropriate, and other times it is divisive mission creep.
The mission itself is only of value when it results in action which requires an effective
implementation strategy.

Change: All organizations encounter consistent forces for change.
Not only must the managers find ways to lead change, but they must
also help others in the organization cope with new situations and requirements.

Development and Funding: Maintaining and expanding the sources of funding involves issues of cost effectiveness and conflicts between mission and funding implications.

Operations: Managing the effective integration of technology, people, and operating systems present critical challenges to leaders of not for profit organizations. The successful management of the organization will involve continuing work on process improvement, project implementation, customer service, and employee development.

Board: How does the board’s governance role fit with the staff role of management?

Buffalo Environment: The local political situation is showing an increased level of activity. Are we seeing progress or more churning? Are there implications for future funding?


Classes usually start on the last Wednesday in March and continue through May, from 8:30 to 11:00 AM at The Buffalo Club, 388 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo.


There are no educational or management experience requirements for admission. However, to gain the full value of the program, the applicant should have the reading speed and time to cover 40 to 75 pages of case work and articles each week. In addition, the analysis of the cases often requires the use of basic math skills.


The fee for the program is $450. This includes all cases and article reprints. An invoice will be given to the participant to present to their organization following the selection of students.


Graduates of our Not for Profit Program are eligible for a full scholarship to one of the week long NFP programs at the Harvard Business School. Each year, the Buffalo HBS Club offers a limited number of full scholarships to any graduates of the local program who are accepted into one of the Executive Education Programs in Nonprofit
Management, presented annually at HBS. The scholarships cover the tuition,
materials, room, and board.

To apply for enrollment in our next session, click the “Not For Profit Application” link to the left.